Monday, December 22, 2008


Today 12/22/2008 @ 11:15pm Got an Instant Msg From BLAST Himself for those of you wondering where hes at hes back in his Country taking care of Business lets just say "HE GONNA COME BACK FLYER THEN EVER" CAN YOU HEAR ME BLAST! As you can see from the pics which he sent us via Email he is still doing his thing and is looking forward to coming back to the state!

For those that wanna get in contact with blast here's a link to his which he checks on at least a weekly basis.

p.s. that last pic is of him at his BEACH HOUSE! We got our bags packed just say the word BROTHER!

AFter he read the posting he hit me with this one

killablastdn (12:06:59 AM): and yeaa i want ya to come througgh in the summer or when eva ya want
QueensFinest 889 (12:07:06 AM): IM DOWN!
killablastdn (12:07:08 AM): i got a mansion for us to stay in
killablastdn (12:07:12 AM): yep a mansion
QueensFinest 889 (12:07:12 AM): WOW!

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